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Updated: 06.07.2017

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Further, I added to my FTP server my various Mozilla Firefox's "bookmarks.html", and separately I also created and uploaded a "wikipedia.html" and two "collection.html" files, and since this is a page dedicated to "links", I am linking to them also here. Anyway, one place to get/view the mentioned files (beside these links below) is the "OPEN or GET" drop-down menu script at the top of each "root-main" page. So as first, below are the links to all these files: "bookmarks-full-1.html", "bookmarks-full-2.html", "bookmarks-profile-1.html", "bookmarks-profile-2.html", "bookmarks-profile-3.html", "bookmarks-full-big.html", and as second links to: "wikipedia.html", "forum-posts-1.html", "forum-posts-2.htm" files that I've put onto eSnips: http://esnips.com, while there are a few others files available through that menu that I didn't list here.The "bookmarks.html" files are obviously my bookmarks, or rather a collection of my bookmarks files for the three Firefox's profiles, but I also got used to rather keep these entries in a separate file as a "pure" backup; if I would need those links in the future to re-read some reply to my query/question and similar. And actually like I do for most of my personal and especially valuable data; I did and still do four backups to four separate locations (directories), two on one of my NTFS and two on the other FAT32 formatted partition. But unfortunatelly eSnips is not working anymore, at least not as it did in the beginning and as I intended it to (i.e. access to .html files), therefore I re-uploaded the newer versions to Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com file-storage cloud. Here are therefore links to the newer (not necessary the latest; those are on my disk) versions of files, which can be accesed/downloaded directly. Not all are the same as the ones above; these are some of those from the mentioned "OPEN or GET" pull-down menu, starting with my wikipedia edits, contributions and (similarly) participations on various websites: "wikipedia.html", "contribution.html" and "participation.html", secondly, links to forums posts: "forums-posts-1.html", "forums-posts-2.html" and "forums-posts-3.html", and finally links to four system related HTML files: "System-Specs.html", "Startup-Locations.html", "Unsorted-Terms.html" and "NBT-Parameters.html". And to address the question regarding a "collection of my bookmarks files" hinted above: while the "wikipedia.html" file is a collection of pages/articles on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org (as well as on the Slovenian version: http://sl.wikipedia.org) and on Wikinews: http://en.wikinews.org, in which I participated or better, articles which were created or edited by me. Oh well, and one more thing, beside the links on all the other website's pages, there is one another such collection of them (i.e. more links, listed/posted in a list together) worth mentioning. Well, the list that I am talking about is located under "Links to various unsorted sites" section at the bottom of the "diverse.html" page, while its main sub-sections are: "Links to sites of my friends", "Quiz-sites, tests, funny-sites", "More or less anti-USA games", "Animations, games, and stuff"; of course, all this beside all the other cool things on the "diverse.html" page, like for instance the list of no less than seven useful online services/engines: Furl, ImageShack, Yousendit, FreezePage, egoSurf, OpenDNS, and BabelFish that I am using, some of them more often, some less, but most of them on daily basis.

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Here on this first section are listed various links to sites with my favorite applications, which are almost all of them NON-SETUPS and FREEWARE ones (note, I said "mostly"), and many of them include C++ sources too, if you know what Open Source principle is and prefer to compile programs that you use by your own. In the end, I also added a few links to my favorite internet security/privacy related sites, including links to sites with various spyware/virus scanning engines, tests, "get IP/domain info" engines, web-features (like web-proxies and similar), while more thing are planned to be added to this section too.

Links to sites with multimedia players:

http://www.bsplayer.com, http://www.crystalplayer.com, http://www.videolan.org/vlc, http://gspot.headbands.com, http://www.dors.de/razorlame

Links to my favorite WWW programs:

http://www.slsknet.org, http://texturizer.net/firefox, http://texturizer.net/thunderbird, http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox, http://www.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird, http://www.proxomitron.info, http://www.freepops.org, http://www.insecure.org/nmap

Main pages of SourceForge projects:

http://bb4win.sourceforge.net, http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net, http://yahoopops.sourceforge.net, http://hte.sourceforge.net, http://cedit.sourceforge.net, http://cdromtool.sourceforge.net, http://freedos.sourceforge.net, http://guliverkli.sourceforge.net

Project-pages of SourceForge projects:

http://sourceforge.net/projects/bb4win, http://sourceforge.net/projects/mp3gain, http://sourceforge.net/projects/hte, http://sourceforge.net/projects/cedit, http://sourceforge.net/projects/cdromtool, http://sourceforge.net/projects/freedos, http://sourceforge.net/projects/guliverkli, http://sourceforge.net/projects/freepops

Sites offering more than one product 1:

http://thinstall.com, http://www.sysinternals.com (this link is outdated, the new home is at Microsoft TechNet: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/default.mspx), http://www.securitysoftware.cc, http://stevemiller.net/apps, http://www.nirsoft.net, http://www.ntsecurity.nu, http://www.mozilla.org, http://www.bastet.com/software.html, http://www.whitsoftdev.com, http://www.foundstone.com/resources, http://www.gmgdesign.com/cpp, http://www.bitsum.com, http://grc.com/default, http://www.xteq.com, http://www.roadkil.net

Sites offering more than one product 2:

http://www.lokbox.net/download.asp, http://www.puresoftware.com, http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/speedload/index.html, http://www.wolff-software.de, http://www.gammadyne.com/cmdline.htm,, http://www.meesoft.com, http://www.steffengerlach.de/freeware, http://www.pablovandermeer.nl

Sites mostly offering a single product 1:

http://www.aida32.hu/aida32.php, http://www.betasoluzioni.com/users/atm/higheng.html, http://www.bluechillies.com/details/3539.html, http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/J.Steunebrink/chkcpu.htm, http://mbm.livewiredev.com/download/cpu_usage_launcher.zip, http://www.dependencywalker.com, http://www.diamondcs.com.au/index.php?page=taskman, http://www.pc-tools.net/dos/freeware/dosutils, http://www.insecure.org/nmap, http://www.magister-lex.at/RUNit, http://march-of-faces.org/resources/vkt.html, http://www.shellcity.net/openas/openas.htm, http://www.poppeeper.com/plugins.php, http://www.users.on.net/johnson/resourcehacker, http://www.wolfgang-fuehrer.de, http://www.xp-antispy.org, http://www.yourwaresolutions.com

Sites mostly offering a single product 2:

http://www.bernardbelanger.com/computing/NaDa, http://clibench.daemonware.ch/index.php, http://www.geocities.com/vinodtandon/cac, http://simpsons.ch/DESKcam.html, http://www.dhpsoftware.com, http://isc.sans.org/gdiscan.php, http://www.kephyr.com/systemsherlocklite/index.phtml, http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox, http://www.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird, http://www.proxomitron.info, http://www.ritlabs.com/dn, http://www.toggit.com, http://www.werkema.com/software/spacemonger.html, http://www.ratednc-17.com, http://artemis.wszib.edu.pl/~mdudek, http://www.hydrairc.com/index.php, http://www.irfanview.com, http://www.geocities.com/jadoxa/xd, http://www.jpsoft.com, http://offbyone.com/offbyone, http://www.regwrks.com, http://millweed.com/projects/wackget


And here are the links to various sites, with various useful and crucial software, I currently use, or I've been using in the past. All of them tested, being installed more than one time, and all of them quite material. Please also note, that some of them are offering various products, and some offering only one product. The applications from these sites below, are mostly SETUPS (note, I wrote "mostly"), some of them being FREEWARE and some of them SHAREWARE.

Sites offering more than one product:

http://www.cypherix.com, http://www.jgsoft.com, http://www.dhpsoftware.com, http://www.analogx.com, http://www.iarsn.com, http://www.passmark.com, http://www.greatis.com

A few GUI and text-based file-managers:

http://www.ghisler.com, http://www.fileant.com, http://filemanager.free.fr, http://www.shawneelink.net, http://www.freecommander.com, http://meesoft.logicnet.dk/Commander, http://www.ritlabs.com/dn, silk.apana.org.au/btc, http://www.netez.com/2xExplorer, http://sourceforge.net/projects/gxexplorer, http://www.geocities.com/RainForest

Codecs, filters, splitters, decoders:

http://www.virtualdub.org, http://winff.org, http://ffmpeg.org, http://www.xvid.org, http://www.doom9.org, http://www.mplayerhq.hu, http://libmpeg2.sourceforge.net, http://cutka.szm.sk/ffdshow, http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdshow, http://arbor.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~jackei/dvd2avi, http://sauron.mordor.net/dgraft/index.html

Anti-virus, anti-spyware-related sites:

http://www.grisoft.com, http://www.free-av.com, http://www.wilderssecurity.net, http://www.javacoolsoftware.com, http://www.my-etrust.com, http://www.lavasoftusa.com

The sites of various firewall-programs:
http://zonelabs.com, http://www.kerio.com, http://smb.sygate.com/spf_standard.htm, http://www.nod32.com/home/home.htm, http://www.agnitum.com/download/outpost1.html

Links to few really useful programs 1:

http://www.bb4win.org, http://www.yourwaresolutions.com, http://www.xp-antispy.org, http://www.irfanview.com, http://www.dependencywalker.com, http://www.aida32.hu, http://www.xat.com, http://www.ghisler.com, http://www.irfanview.com, http://www.bernardbelanger.com/computing/NaDa, http://www.users.on.net/johnson/resourcehacker,http://www.doeasier.org/splitter

Links to few really useful programs 2:

http://www.dumeter.com, http://www.jot.com, http://mbm.livewiredev.com, http://www.neoplanet.com, http://www.kiki-koko.com/cpueatncool, http://www.winamp.com, http://winpcap.polito.it, http://www.x-setup.net, http://www25.brinkster.com/chirisoft, http://www.worldstart.com/weekly-download/archives

Various unsorted software downloads:

http://www.utilitygeek.com, http://sourceforge.net, http://www.getyourfile.com, http://www.tinyapps.org, http://www.filehippo.com, http://www.download.com, http://www.webgrid.co.uk, http://www.majorgeeks.com, http://www.snapfiles.com, http://www.soft32.com, http://www.softpedia.com, http://www.softwareshelf.com, http://www.tucows.com, http://www.freebiedirectory.com, http://www.freestuffer.com, http://freewarearena.org, http://www.freewarefiles.com, http://www.freewarehome.com, http://www.freewarepub.net/Freeware.htm, http://www.protect-me.com/freeware.html, http://www.thebestfree.net, http://www.thefreesite.com, http://www.webmasterfree.com, http://www.filelight.com

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