This website wouldn't be complete (since it is partly a personal one), and wouldn't deserve the title "website", if it's without an obligatory biographical ego-maniac and self-promoting "About me page", and mine is no exception. As addition to my picture below, here are also the links to quite a big 640 x 480 pixels in-size picture of ms. Ariel and me (as you can see, Arika is my beloved dog): arikaandmyselfgn9.png, and 1024 x 768 pixels in-size one of my PC and me: pcandmyselfop9.png, and additionally to the picture in the table below, here's also a link to an old picture: tadej-ivan.gif that I use on "not-updated-anymore" website variants. And yeah, I've heard that same goes for the required "My sucky page", so as an example of one such page I am simply providing a link to my first website titled "TADEJ'S HOME-PAGE on VOLJA.NET" (the last version of it) that I created back then in 2002 for one single reason, which was to get a FREE registration (also see the "intro.html" page) for Cheetah CD Burner program. But even more suckier is the one of the first versions of it that I later saved on my hard-disk (just as a precaution measure) and titled it "My-1st-Site.html", here's a backup version: "My-1st-Site.html" on this same server just in case if will go off-line in the future or something.
As first a few words about me. I am a 32 years old guy, born on 13th of July in 1980 and grown-up in a town called LJUBLJANA (where I still live), which is a capital city of SLOVENIA, the country located in the heart of EUROPE. My real name is Ivan Tadej and my real surname is Persic (or correctly Peršič); I mean the Kandus one is just my mother's surname, but I use it here on my website because it doesn't contain the "problematic" letters for en/us visitors and their installed fonts. Note that I am saying a "real name" in the sentence above only because of my singularity and paranoia, which were the two main causes, that on some parts/areas of cyber-space (i.e. forums and stuff), I am known also as David (at least as a second name), and my name is certainly not David, nor half of it.
The first option to contact me is a very standard one; simply click on the picture with the "letter symbol" below, to send me an e-mail to one of my e-mail account's addresses. I will try to answer on any serious e-mail I will get into my Inbox, be it about your current problem with your computer (I got few of these), or a question on my computing principles, hints, tweaks or anything related to my website's contents that you may want to ask. Then to add you thoughts, opinions about my website, please do visit my Guestbook. It is originally set only for the Volja free-webhost, but you can access it directly from here:, or from the Volja site's about page: /other/about.html, but recently I just added the two banners also on the other three variants of my home-website. Also, I offer some computing-related "services"; see the below table for the list of them. Also note that I am very involved in various communities on the internet. I publish many posts on many online forums (and comment on various blogs), of course, that includes Slovene and English ones.
| I can do/provide:
administration, computer repairs/configuraton, computer setup, computer clean-ups/tune-ups, operating-system installation/config, software installation/config, malware removal, general testing/tweaking, general help/tutoring, miscellaneous consulting
| | I have knowledge of:
computing forensics, operating system security, automatization, optimization, usability, commandline, scripting, ABC, Python, XML, HTML, XHTML, JS, CSS, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, web development, web design, internet, networking
|  Visit my Guestbook
 Send me an e-mail |
As second, a profile-info on "Facebook": community-portal as you can see it on my personal "Facebook | Tadej Persic":, while here is also a link to the public version of my FB profile-page (that's meant for those who are not my FB friends and/or are not registered users/members), hopefully it still works.
Activities: Walking, socializing, sleeping etc.
Interests: My interests are just about anything related to computing, basic programming/scripting, customizing the OS, etc., but also everything related to Nature, herbs, walking, stalking, fairy-tales, mystics, music, movies and series, love, WWW, Alex Jones, computing, unemployment and so on.
Favorite Music: Amok Vibes, Antinomie, Cassius, Olive, Stardust, Underworld, Faithless, Vangelis, VNVNation, Jean Michelle Jarre, Miss Kittin, Dave Clarke, Jeff Mills, Steve Rachmad, Carl Cox, Surgeon, Adam Beyer, Mauro Picotto, Oscar Mulero, Marco Bailey, Sven Vath, Valentino Kanziany, Umek, MethodMan, Redman, GZA, RZA, NotoriousBIG, ODB, Ice Cube, 2Pac, XZibit, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Busta Rhymes, Aaliyah, Alicia Keys, Field Mob, Outkast, Robby Wiliams, Elton John, George Michael, Boy George, Michael Jackson, Prince, Queen, Beastie Boys, No Doubt, Smashing Pumpkins, Sting, Red Hot Chilli Papers, Pink, Iggy Pop, R.E.M., Jimmy Hendrix, Colosseum, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Frank Zappa, Bob Marley, Macka B., Dead Kennedys, Sex Pistols, Green Day, A-Ha, Abba, Bonie M, Modern Talking, Duran Duran, Mike Oldfield, Marillion, Frank Sinatra, Alizee, Adriano Celentano, Manu Chao, Chaka Khan, Angelique Kidjo, Stevie Wonder
Favorite TV Shows: I am listing only a few of my favorite series, and additionally only those that I am currently watching, and/or occasionally re-watching, some more, some less often: South Park, Dilbert, Futurama, The Simpsons, American Dad, Babylon 5, Star Trek.
Favorite Movies: There're simply much too many of them to list them all here, therefore I will list none so that I will not be unjust to the others, i.e. to those movies which I wouldn't include in this list.
Favorite Books: The last one that I've read a few months ago (and the only one that I'll list here) was a very notorious and also somehow quite controversial book entitled "The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order", written by Samuel P. Huntington, a professor at the Harvard University.
Favorite Quotes: I am planning to fill this section in the future; similarly to above entry regarding favorite books, I need to tell you that there're so many quotes that I like (from famuous people etc.) that it's hard to choose just a few.
About Me: I am a 29 years old guy, born on 13th of July, 1980, and for the last 8 years or so my main hobby is computing and webcoding related, while otherwise I like to browse the Web (well of course), then listen to various genres of music, watch movies and series, go to a walk with my dog (and/or with my friends) and such.
Then as third, similarly to above I list also my profile-info on "LinkedIn": (as can be seen on my personal "Tadej Persic - LinkedIn": profile-page) network of professionals.
Status: I am currently looking for work.
Industry: PC and web enthusiast (old: Entrepreneur and Internet Researcher)
Summary: An unlicensed entrepreneur, working in an individual and non-profit environment, focusing on computing and internet research in general and providing individual help/tutoring, miscellaneous computing-related consulting, computing repairs, configuration/setup, clean-ups, and malware removal, operating system and software installation/configuration, and general tune-ups/optimizations, and offering website-design, tuning, and search engine optimization services.
Specialties: Non-profit, individual, XML, HTML, XHTML, JS, CSS
Opportunity Preferences: Career opportunities, Expertise requests, Consulting offers, New ventures, Personal reference requests, Job inquiries, Requests to reconnect
Contact Advice: In general I am broadly available and in particular enthusiastically looking for various career opportunities, new ventures etc. Please include any notable details you might consider relevant to the contact.
Country: Slovenia
School Name: Univerza v Ljubljani
Field(s) of Study: Architecture
Dates Attended: 2001 to 2003
Additional notes: First I have been studying the Geology for one year since I failed to pass the test to get to the Architecture (I failed for no more than half of a point), then I did pass it the next year and have been studying Architecture for two full years, but I haven't finished it, i.e. I didn't graduate and so I don't have a diploma. Anyway, in the mean time I got my first "real" computer (not Spectrum or Commodore), and it has immediately become my main hobby/interest.
Interests: automatization, optimization, internet, security, software, seo, usability, testing, tweaking, web development, politics, mystics, music, movies, series, reading, sleeping, walking
And finally, last but not least, there're a few other things worth mentioning that are related (as a caracter, type of person etc.) to me; note however that most of these are already listed in the above paragraph. I am a sort of a freak that in general tries to be/stay an open-minded person, a dude who likes to smoke weed, walk, stalk, sleep, listen to music, watch movies and series like for instance South Park (btw., me and my two friends were totally similar to SP-gang in cruel imagination; especially in making stories about ourselves, out parents and teachers), Dilbert, Futurama, Simpsons, Babylon 5, Star Trek, which are currently my favorites. Then I also love to browse World Wide Web (especially the news and techy sites, message-boards etc.), then listen to Alex Jones's show about conspiracy theories and stuff (hehe), and have politics and philosophy as my main "life hobbies". While otherwise I just adore and worship our mother nature, I like fairy tales, mystics, walking, stalking, then I like meeting with my friends, going to rave/reggae parties, enjoying my home-town and coast in summer here in Slovenia and do other common things. My personal philosophy is lately somehow a some sort of a pacifism (pacifist ethics), so I am enthusiastically trying to live by these two principles. I've become a "self-taught" computing geek (i.e. a very keen computing amateur) in approximately four years, mostly via "trial and error".
Hum, what else to say?? Oh yes, I am a former Architecture student at the University in Ljubljana, and currently I don't have a "status" of a student anymore, so I am currently unemployed, and am looking for a suitable job all the time; read for instance the "news-entry" dated 23.11.2008 on /other/events/2008/events13.html page about an interview that I had for a (computing-related, of course) job at computer repair/config/help company. Next, in July in year 2009 I passed the exam for ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence), while in autumn this year I will start attending a High IT School. And yeah, generally, I totally hate getting up in the morning (actually I first remember having this particular problem in kindergarten), doing stuff that someone tells/orders me to do, especially if it's against my basic principles/beliefs etc. Finally, now I'll yet need to decide what to do for a living in my life.