I recently registered a new Bravenet's "Counter Stats" service: http://pub40.bravenet.com/counter (also see the "intro.html" page, below under "Important notes") and while I was at it, I registered/added yet another Bravenet's free service; in this case it was the "Free Website Hosting" service: http://satyrhosts.bravehost.com (since I already have an account, mainly used for the free Guestbook and counter for my site), which of course also offers free online storage/space, also see below. So now I have already five variants of my homesite on five different servers/free-hosts.
Secondly, another interesting thread on "Ars Technica" forums: How do I make Firefox scroll "faster"?:
http://episteme.arstechnica.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/99609816/m/480004345731, while you can get my complete "user.js" file here: /script/user.js, or you can get/access them also with the "OPEN or GET" drop-down or pull-down menu script at the top of each "root-main" page.
user_pref("mousewheel.withnokey.numlines", 8);
user_pref("mousewheel.withnokey.sysnumlines", false);
And as the last thing, I've discovered a whole new world of free online hosting of files (files with any extension and not just graphics) by searching with Google for free internet storage, and after I saw the results, I was quite amazed how many of these kind of sites exist that host files online for free: Google Search results for: free internet storage and these links below only lists various "free online storage accounts": http://www.lights.com/pickalink/freestorage, http://www.lacetoleather.com/frewebstorsp.html, http://www.freewebspace.net/guide/diskstorage.shtml, http://www.prospector.cz/Free-Internet-services/Online-storage-space, http://www.biscu.com/free-internet-storage.htm. So after performing a Google search, I created one totally new account at the Savefile site: http://savefile.com (they offer up to 50 MBs), see here for my personal "projects" page: http://savefile.com/projects.php?pid=873856. And finally yet another one; a Yahoo's Briefcase service (also because I already have a Yahoo account): http://briefcase.yahoo.com. However, while I haven't yet tried Yahoo's Briefcase, the Savefile website features some strange mentod of linking and Bravenet doesn't allow "remote file-linking" at all (well, sometimes it shows the graphic linked in an .html document, but oddly only until I refresh the site), see an example for yourself (under the "With programs minimized"): http://satyrhosts.bravehost.com/test.html.
You see, the reason for looking for these "free internet storage" services in the first place was that none of the free-hosting accounts I am subscribed, i.e. Atspace, Bravenet, Freehost386, Geocities (Yahoo), Freewebs, and Greatnow; with the exception of my ISP's hosting account (and 50webs one which I created later), won't let me link to these files remotely (also called "hotlinking"), see this thread I've opened on "Ars Technica" forums Looking for a free storage service that would let me "link files remotely":
http://episteme.arstechnica.com/groupee/forums?a=tpc&s=50009562&f=99609816&m=618005945731&r=618005945731, i.e. they won't let me to link to these files from forum posts, my site's source etc., while mostly I would like to link only to gifs, jpgs etc.
And once more it's almost a month passed-by since my last "events-entry". This time I am only announcing many grammar fixes and general text-modifications in more or less all site's pages, while regarding Ars Technica forums, the most important thing to mention is that on "19.9.2005" it was one year since I subscribed to the forums. And regarding recent interesting subjects, first see the A question on two particular NTFS related registry tweaks:
http://episteme.arstechnica.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/99609816/m/236003173731 thread about "Disable Last File Access Stamping" NTFS file-system related registry entry/value and that it's causing writing to a file every time it's read (stamping it with the date and time of last access) and so every read operation is also "accompanied" by a write operation of a few bytes. And as second, another interesting thread titled Theoretical question regarding DC-projects and 100% CPU usage:
http://episteme.arstechnica.com/groupee/forums?a=tpc&s=50009562&f=122097561&m=309005425731&r=309005425731. In this one we discussed what a heat actually does to the processor and other hardware-components (see Rarian's posts). The problem that arise from heat, particularly a temperature cycling leads to metal fatigue and the increase of speed of chemical reactions, so the bottom like is that running you computer at a constant high temperature is better than running at an oscillating (and relatively high) temperature. I am planning to write a full article about this subject.
Then there are few other threads with "theoretical questions" that I've opened on "Ars Technica" forums so far, here is a short list in no particular order of date of posting; as first the A theoretical question about web-browsers' "previous page" function:
http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/99609816/m/327009904731 thread, then there is Theoretical question about disk fragmentation (future writes):
http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/99609816/m/253008692731, then Log and config files locations - another theoretical question from my side:
http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/99609816/m/348005793731, and finally Theoretical question about the variable location information:
http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/ubb.x/a/tpc/f/6330927813/m/794008382731. But these are not (even nearly) all the threads that I've opened on "Ars Technica" with theoretical types of questions (I've included only those that have a phrase "theoretical question" in their titles); for a more complete list please Head on over to the "still-updated" variants.
Today, I have been added to a new usergroup (so now I am a member of two, the new "Recruits" and the old "Team F@H" usergroup, see the "21.5.2005" entry) at the CastleCops site:
http://castlecops.com. The thing is that I have become a member of the classroom called The Academy, to become a "1st Responder" in attempt to help others with their HijackThis logs. So currently I am "1st Responders trainee" and when I finish with the classes, I will have a full status of a "1st Responder", and so I will be officially allowed to help forum visitors/members with their HJT logs.
Then I also deleted the "lists.html" page, and I rather put its contents (except for "Computer's Services and Ports" part) into the "OPEN or GET" drop-down or pull-down menu script at the top of each page under "root-main" section. Here are the direct links ("Startup-Locations.html" is a newly added one): /script/NBT-Parameters.html and /script/Startup-Locations.html.
And as second, one really bad news. Somehow from the end of July, my site's counter Izmenjava: http://www.izmenjava.com that I was using so far doesn't work anymore. The saddest thing about it is that my page had just reached the limit of 10.000 separate/non-unique visits (and more than 5.000 unique ones, see the "13.7.2005" entry), so currently I am so sad because of the lost counts, that I am not planning to register a new one in near future. But when I will, I will probably use the Bravenet's one: http://bravenet.com, since I already have registered a Bravenet account and use their FREE Guestbook service: http://pub40.bravenet.com/guestbook/3416426346. The "main" link with banner is located on the "about.html" page.
This time I am only announcing few minor and non-important site's modifications. Like for instance I added the "Print this page" button at the near bottom of the pages located under "root-main" section, then further I inserted few "DIV TITLE" elements (later corrected to "A TITLE" ones because of W3C recommendations) and so on. Oh and yes, two I again started to learn Python programming language a bit further, i.e. after knowing its basics and generally playing with it the last time, this time I write simple programs for Windows environment, then I've started to take advantage of inclueded "core" libraries etc.
And secondly, luckily I have good news regarding my local weather. Currently there is very sunny around here in middle-east Europe, and of course, hot too. TV-weather man said it might last for quite some time like this (again, sunny without any cloud, hot, exotic), I was really afraid for the last few weeks that it will be a crappy summer. Well that's all for now, except that I am notifying you all that I also started to write a "real" web-blog. If you want to, check out this link: http://tayiper.blog.volja.net. It was actually created for more than a year ago, but I thought then this "events" page is enough. And also that one is in Slovenian language, so this news might not refer to you, the English-speaking visitor.
If you are maybe asking yourself why on earth am I updating the website since it's a summer-time, I need to say it without any doubt that it's a hell of a crappy summer, I mean it's raining non-stop here in Slovenia for more than two weeks already. Reagarding the site, what has happenned is a totally nice thing. You see, I am proudly announcing that today on 13th July (on my birthday), the counter of separate (non-unique) visits has already reached 10.000 visits/points, so yeah, congratulations to myself. Well it is true that most of these visits were probably the result of me testing the site's code after uploading all files, then when online checking the website finding mistakes, then uploading files again etc. Another new thing is that added directories to my FTP servers (and lately also to Yahoo/Geocities), so the whole structure is a bit different now. Also from this day on, I will also upload the Interval Logs out-put in the .csv file-format (the file is named "MBM5_Interval.csv"), as they are created by the famous MBM5 software. I yet need to decide where they will be placed on the site.
A but delayed but anyway, I found yet another useful programs called Pearls from the XWorks homesite, particularly from this page: http://www.xworks.ca/pearls. As opposed to various "Alarm Clock" programs, this one is totally different in concept - it is a "reminder" programs that just sits as an icon in the system tray and periodically displays a line or paragraph of text from a specified file in a window placed somewhere on desktop. It's a freeware "non-setup" program, single-executable and very small in size, i.e. its executable is only 93 kB in-lenght. Here are its main features taken from the program's "ReadMe.txt" file (and a bit modified by me): Slideshow, Profiles, Hide, Random, Sound, Stay "on-top", Multi-line, Background, Transparency, Docking. Regarding the customizability, of course same as for the "Sound" option mentioned above, you can also choose the text file to be used/displayed, font, font color, background color and background image, set the "timers" etc. Here is the related and a bit more detailed post on "Ars Technica" forum The "neat application I stumbled across on the web" thread, page 46:
http://episteme.arstechnica.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/99609816/m/1400961263/r/988001624731#988001624731. And in a few two days since I discovered it, I got used to set the timer for "SlideShow" to 2 or 4 minutes so that the displayed text is changed in two-minute intervals, and set the timer for "Hide" to 1 or 2 minute(s) so that the text is displayed in two-minute intervals (as mentioned, the window pops-up and after that it gets hidden), i.e. the half of each separate SlideShow's interval-duration.
Well once more it's almost a month passed since my last "events-entry", and once more there is an explanation for this. It's just that there is a summer-time out there. And yes, once more my two crucial documents (bookmarks files) were content="2017-07-09, as first the bigger "collection2.html" file: /script/collection2.html (the original file was renamed and moved, so I've updated this link on 7.6.2006), and as second the shorter "wikipedia.html" one: http://esnips.com/doc/ca9afeef-b628-4f89-a834-be200204ca8b/wikipedia.htm. Once more, there were many new links added into the two files mentioned above (both accessible with the "OPEN or GET" drop-down or pull-down menu script at the top of each page), the ones from the first file pointing to new interesting topics/posts on various message-boards (forums) where I participated, and the others from the second file pointing to my recent contributions for Wikipedia, the free-content encyclopedia that anyone can edit. And well, yet once more I say: nuff' said.
Oh and maybe I should only mention one important thing regarding my homesite. It is that from this day on, I will always optimize the code of my sites locally before uploading them to web-server; if you are interested in code, please see here: /script/intro_unoptimized.html for an unoptimized version of the "intro.html" page on Volja free-host; however, note that the file is most likely not there anymore. With "optimizing the code" I just mean to strip all the unnecessary empty spaces, carriage-returns and possibly also orphaned tags. Although there are many similar programs to do the job, I do this optimization with a simple (it's just a window with two options "Source File(s)" and "Destination Path") and compact 159 kB in file-lenght programs called HTMLOptim (it's a "non-setup", single-executable one), which is one of many programs developed by authors of this: http://meesoft.com and this: http://meesoft.logicnet.dk site, while HTMLOptim in particular is available for download from this page: http://meesoft.logicnet.dk/HTMLOptim. I did use this programs already before for few times, but since my site's pages weren't W3C-validated it always ruined them. And since I didn't know anything about W3C-validation principle back then, I didn't know what's the reason for that, or I thought the cause is in the programs itself and not in my site's code. But now I can take advantage of it because I find quite useful that it is capable of reducing the sizes of documents for approximately 5 kB per single separate document and therefore that makes pages loading even faster in a web-browser. I should also note that I use my RAM-drive to copy all the variants to it (since I save them during editing quite often, i.e. to not stress my hard-disk unnecessarily), and when finsihed I process them with HTMLOptim (copy an unoptimized version back to hard-disk), upload the optimized ones to my FTP and then simply delete them.
Few days back, I was trying to browse some bookmarked site, that I haven't visited for a long time. It was this website in particular: http://www.koro-tech.tk, and it is not available anymore, so now I can delete it from my bookmarks. However, because of this attempt to browse that site, I've found this FREE "redirecting" service called DotTK, see here for the homesite: http://www.dot.tk. So I created an account, and now my main http://users.volja.net/tayiper website is also accessible through this much nicer and shorter link: http://www.ivan-tadej.tk. I am planning to do so also with other variants of my homesite in the very near future.
And as second, I have done many contributions for three Wiki-based projects so far (these are English Wiki, Slovenian Wiki and WikiNews), that I will stop listing them on the "index.html" page. I rather added the links to these articles created or edited by me to the "OPEN or GET" drop-down or pull-down menu script at the top of each page, just below the preface section (only those under the "root-main" section of the "NAVIGATE" menu), and of course, only those that were created/edited to the day of last update of my site. You can browse this list by clicking the wikipedia.html item in the "OPEN or GET" drop-down or pull-down menu. But anyway, here is a direct link to this HTML document: http://esnips.com/doc/ca9afeef-b628-4f89-a834-be200204ca8b/wikipedia.htm. Anyway, I must say that in my opinion, Wikipedia is definitely a great community of "spare-time contributors" to the general "common good".
Well, since I am a Wikipedian for quite some time now, I finally decided to make my very own account homepage ("User:Wayfarer"), so here it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Wayfarer, also for the links to my contributions see the "index.html" page. And as second, I also created an account on StepWiki site, here is a site's URL: http://www.stepwiki.com. The site's concept is based on TWiki "collaboration platform", for its homesite see here: http://twiki.org. So far, I've created one article, see this page: http://www.stepwiki.com/view/Projects/CpuEnCDev, and soon I will fill also my account homepage, check this link here: http://www.stepwiki.com/view/Main/TadejKandus. It is a "Wiki clone" site, a homesite of a CPU Eat n Cool program, which is in my opinion a totally revolutionary program, related to CPU-cooling with HLT instruction, while it's especially useful for laptops.
Oh, once more it's almost a month passed by since my last "events-entry", though again, there is an explanation for this. This time it's just that there is a summer-time out there: nuff' said. Well maybe only to mention, that recently I started using bbLean branch of Blackbox for Windows replacement shell (instead of the bb4win, the "original branch" I was using so far, see here: http://bb4win.org), and must say that I am quite content with it. For its dedicated homesite, see here: http://bb4win.sourceforge.net/bbLean, and if you are maybe interested, you can check these links below for few related threads. The first notable bbLean-related thread that I posted on Lost In The Box forums (btw. LooseScrews forum is dead and all the data is lost forever) was the Two questions: one bb4win and the other BBSystemBar related thread, click on this link here: http://www.lostinthebox.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=1222, then the second one was Two totally basic questions on bbLean thread, check-out this link: http://www.lostinthebox.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=1428, and the last one was Finally - my thread about things I like in bbLean thread, see this page here: http://www.lostinthebox.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=1665, and note, I am saying "notable bbLean-related thread", because I have posted also few other threads/posts on Lost In The Box forums in the last few weeks.