Another "events-entry" following the last one from 22.09.2008 so soon, and the only reason for writing it in the first place is a very useful program called SQLite Database Browser: http://sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net (here is also a link to its so-called "project page": http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitebrowser on "SourceForge.net" website) with which I managed to to reduce the size of "places.sqlite" file in case of one of my profiles (you must use the "Compact Database" fucntion) from 2540 to 612 kB. This file is the SQLite database (also see http://sqlite.org) that contains not only Mozilla Firefox's "bookmark-entries" (like it was in Firefox 2.x version "bookmarks.html" files' case), but also the history and such; for more please see for instance the short description and pages linked on "Bookmarks_not_saved": http://kb.mozillazine.org/Bookmarks_not_saved page on "MozillaZine Knowledge Base". By the way, I visited this one recently therefore I know for sure that it's about that, and there's even another solution described there.
You see, it's that I decided the other day to delete quite a few not-really-needed entries from the Firefox's "Library" (i.e. bookmarks manager) since the "places.sqlite" file was pretty big and so I thought that this will make it smaller, as it was the case (well, not only after deleting entries themselves, but also after deleting respective entry's "Description" meta data, deleting the "favicon", and of course if making minor changes like for instance when I changed some bookmark entry's title from e.g. "Dr. Philip Zimbardo Standford Experiment - Google Search" to just "Experiment") of "bookmarks.html" files in Firefox 2.x. But no, although the .json backup-file was indeed much smaller after doing this (and it was similar in case of exported "bookmarks.html" file), the size of "places.sqlite" file remained the same.
Therefore I created a thread that I titled Confusion regarding the size of 'places.sqlite' file: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=865105 on "mozillaZine" forums, and well, today I will make an exception (compare to my blog I normally don't do such things here on this website) and post my first/initial post from it right here below:
Hello all, after noticing that the "places.sqlite" file is quite big in case of one of my profiles, I've decided to delete a few (well, quite a few) not-really-needed bookmark entries since I thought that this will make it smaller as was in case of FF 2.x's "bookmarks.html" files ...
Namely, after deleting them the "bookmarks-2008-09-22.json" backup file is much smaller (i.e. size reduced from 250 kB to 175 kB), while it's pretty much the same in case of exported "bookmarks.html" file (size reduced from 550 kB to approx. 350 kB), however, the size of "places.sqlite" is still 2.5 MB afterwards!!
Now, I viewed it (i.e. the "places.sqlite" file) in a file-viewer and I've seen that it doesn't contain only bookmark entries (but I guess also history and such), and so I've cleaned the Browsing and Saved form and Search History, but again, the size remained the same.
Therefore I am curious: is there any way to reduce the size, or the file in question will only get bigger the longer I use Firefox??!
Thanks for any reply, satyr
I also wrote a "blog-entry" for my main slovenian blog entitled SQLite Database Browser: zelo kul program:
http://tadej.sopca.com/2008/09/27/sqlite-database-browser-zelo-kul-program about all this (i.e. about the problem with file-size remaining the same, and solution that "SQLite Database Browser" offers) on 27. September 2008, in which I describe all this in my mother language.
Regarding the website, this time there're only the "index.html" page (I moved one Google AdSense block's code a bit), and the page "website.html" (particularly, I added one entry/link under section "VARIOUS WEBSITE'S BACKLINKS") that I've changed since the last "events-entry" at all, however I did felt that it's worth mentioning the latest (at least it's still the latest at the moment of writing this) "blog-entry" on my main slovenian blog from 21. September 2008 titled Kako mi je uspel Google Chrome updejt:
http://tadej.sopca.com/2008/09/21/kako-mi-je-uspel-google-chrome-updejt, in which I describe how I managed (with the help of Dependency Walker: http://www.dependencywalker.com program and its "profiling" funtion, with which I've found out that I need to change one registry value) to update the Google Chrome: http://www.google.com/chrome web-browser from Google (by the way, I already wrote about it in Chrome: nov spletni brskalnik od Google-a:
http://tadej.sopca.com/2008/09/08/chrome-nov-spletni-brskalnik-od-google-a "blog-entry" from 8. September 2008, namely I wrote about my first experiences with it) from version to the new/latest version
Once again there weren't any "radical" changes made to the website (i.e. there's nothing new on the website since the last "events-entry"), except for the fact that I removed the "My various blogs" section/paragraph (which was list of links to my various blogs, including the non-existing ones, and the ones that I don't use anymore) from all of the pages from the "root-main" part of the website (i.e. these are pages located under the "/root/" directory), and except for a few fixes in the source-code. Namely, I've changed the meta http-equiv "expires" element from "Sat, 31 May 2008 23:59:59 GMT" to "Wed, 31 December 2008 23:59:59 GMT" (because from May there are many months that have passed-by), and secondly I've removed the AdSense Referrals code from the "index.html" page (because this AdSense program's feature was discontinued in the mean time), and replaced it with the third "Link Unit". But because there are two months since the last website-wide update (and the last "events-entry"), I thought that I should write something since it's good for SEO purposes to update a website as often as possible.
And since this is a computing-related website I will list (for slovenian vistors only, of course) all the "blog-entries" that I've posted during this time on my main slovenian blog (they all relate to one particular program), starting with the youngest Desktops: čisto nov Sysinternals program:
http://tadej.sopca.com/2008/08/23/desktops-cisto-nov-sysinternals-program one from 23. August 2008 (which is obviously about the "Desktops": http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/cc817881.aspx application from Sysinternals, then there was the MP3Gain: malo na splošno o tem programu:
http://tadej.sopca.com/2008/07/24/mp3gain-malo-na-splosno-o-tem-programu one from 24. July 2008 (this one is about "MP3Gain": http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net), and fininshing with the oldest Firefox 3: moji prvi vtisi o tej različici:
http://tadej.sopca.com/2008/06/18/firefox-3-moji-prvi-vtisi-o-tej-razlicici one (again, this one is obviously about the "Firefox": http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox program) from 18. June 2008.
Unfortunately this time there is nothing new on this website, meaning that I haven't create any new page and/or added any new content (of course, except from this "events-entry" that you are reading at this moment), and also there were no major changes made to the website's source-code (at least not worth mentioning), except from a few grammatical and formatting fixes here and there. And the reason for this is that I was having so many other "real-life" things to do for the last two or three months that I simply haven't got any time to dedicate it to the website. OK well, to be more specific, these were all the "things" that were related to me finding a suitable job; for more about it please click over to CIPS-ZK, serija predavanj tam ta teden itd.:
http://tadej.sopca.com/2008/06/04/cips-zk-serija-predavanj-tam-ta-teden-itd "blog-entry" (also read on in the paragraph below) on my main slovenian blog.
So I will just mention what have I been doing lately (i.e. from the last "02.03.2008" entry below), and with "doing" I mean mostly things that are related to the Internet. Well, I have found time to post an entry from time to time on my main slovenian blog, you know, that's the one entitled Tadej: spletne objave: http://tadej.sopca.com on our "Sopca": http://sopca.com community of bloggers (in particular see for instance the Razlika med izrazoma application in program:
http://tadej.sopca.com/2008/03/12/razlika-med-izrazoma-application-in-program "blog-entry"), and as usual I have been visiting "Facebook": http://www.facebook.com more or less on a daily-basis, then posting on my favorite techy "Ars OpenForum": http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums forum (again, see for instance the thread titled Difference between a "Program" & an "Application" thread:
http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/99609816/m/617006190931; it's about the same thing as that "blog-entry" linked above), and I've also edited a few entries/articles on "Wikipedia": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page encyclopedia (that means also on its slovenian variant); by the way, here is a link to my "User:Wayfarer": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Wayfarer user-page (this one "Uporabnik:Wayfarer": http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uporabnik:Wayfarer is on the slovenian version), and here a link to a page listing all my "User contributions": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Wayfarer (again, the same page on the slovenian variant "Prispevki": http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posebno:Contributions/Wayfarer) that I have made to this day.
And yes, this might not seem so relevant to you (especially it has nothing to do with this website), but anyway, I will also inform you that Google PR of both variants of my general personal navigational website (i.e of the english Tadej Persic's website: http://tadejpersic.50webs.com, and of the slovenian Tadej Peršič stran: http://tadejpersic.50webs.org one) has risen for 1 point in the mean time (again, that's from the last "events-entry"), and as you can imagine I am quite proud because of that since the mentioned websites are relatively young, and this (i.e. a sudden "jump" of PR) occurred surprisingly soon.
OK folks, I have finally changed also the "description
" meta element of all the websites's pages (so that each page will have its own unique description that will relate only to it) as I said I am planning to do in the last "21.02.2008" entry below where I wrote, quoting: "And regarding the future updates (i.e. changes to the website) I need to mention that I am soon planning to also change ...", while regarding the contents of the "keywords
" one, I changed it on let's say 80 % of pages (i.e. changed it so that each page has its own unique set of separate keywords); again, I did it just for the sake of SEO and better position in SERPs. Otherwise, this time there weren't any major changes to the website's code, at least not worth mentioning.
And further, similarly to the entry about me (and my dog Ariel) being mentioned in documentation of programs from "Pyrenean" website (see the previous "21.02.2008" entry), I need to mention this time that I've found out a few days ago that as a result of me sending an e-mail to the author of NirSoft: http://www.nirsoft.net website (see here for a page with all the other great/useful programs listed, from password recovery, system utilities to various desktop utilities, of course, all being freeware) with a few observations, bug-reports, but especially with the translation of ShellExView: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/shexview.html application's strings that I made (by the way, ShellExView is a nice "shell extension manager"), now my name and a link to my other general personal website (see the table right here below) is listed below on the bottom of dedicated page Oh and yeah, I am planning to do the same (i.e. translate it into the slovenian language) with ShellMenuView: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/shell_menu_view.html program in the near future.
Now, after you download the modified "shexview_slovenian.zip" .zip package you just need to extract the "shexview_slo.ini" file (i.e. mine, slovenian version), rename it to "shexview_lng.ini", and then copy it into the program's installation directory, and that's pretty much it. And yeah, I also blogged about this (i.e. mentioned it in it) in the recent "blog-entry" titled Jaz in omembe mene v programih, forumih itd.:
http://tadej.sopca.com/2008/02/27/jaz-in-omembe-mene-v-programih-forumih-itd (as well as about that ) on my Sopca blog in slovenian language.
Well, this update is following the previous one unusally soon, but I just had some spare time today and decided to finally do a few things that I am planning to do (and avoiding since today) for a long time. Namely, as I wrote in the "27.01.2008" entry on this same page I've finally added the three new articles to the website. As mentioned, these are the articles "FIREWALL CONFIG SETTINGS/RULES" on page "config1.html" (well, this one is not the article in the original sense of the word, but rather just a table) which contains my various Internet access-rules for various applications for Zone Alarm, and Outpost firewalls, and "IS DEFRAGMENTING REALLY THAT NECESSARY" (on "articles1.html" page), and "DEFRAGMENTING/MOVING THE XP'S PAGEFILE" (on "articles2.html" page) articles, which I guess don't require any special description/explanation.
Then in a relation to the website's code, it's again similar to the previous update when I changed so many things that it's hard to mention all, or better yet, to filter the relevant ones. But from the top of my had: I reduced the sizes of all the website's .css files (by for example removing the redundant "font-family: tahoma, verdana, sans-serif;" font-specifications), I changed a bit the layout of the "index.html" page (for problems that I had doing it see the A problem with one variant of the bookmark form: http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=713052, and A problem with 'E-mail me' input button redirecting: http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=713054 threads that I opened about it on "Digital Point" forum) and so forth. And as an even more important note, not related to this particular variant though: on the update on 12.02.2008 I deleted all the content from all the pages on "Voljatel" variant: /index.html of this website for the sake of preventing duplicate content, and so now this variant on "50webs" free-host is the only one. And regarding the future updates (i.e. changes to the website) I need to mention that I am soon planning to also change the "description
" meta element (see the previous "12.02.2008" entry) for SEO purposes so that each page will have its own unique description that will relate only to it, and not as it is now when all the pages had the same description.
And finally, I am proudly announcing the author of Pyrenean: http://pyrenean.com website and applications available there for download mentioned me (and my dog Ariel) in the "special.thanks.too.txt" file (here is a copy of it that I've uploaed to Sopca: "specialthankstoo.txt") inside the latest "pyrlite-2008-01-13.zip" .zip package which contains the new "lite" versions of both, eDexter and DNSKong programs.
This program would not have been possible without the support of various influential people ( and fellow canines ) acting as beta testers, advisors, friends:
Special thanks to:
Tadej - For getting back in touch and setting
AG - Friend and tester
Ariel - Who looks healthy and friendly. Woof!
SB - Chief livestock guardian, canine programmer, foot warmer and CEO of Pyrenean.
I suppose I deserved this because of the numerous e-mail that we have exchanged, and I really need to stress that the author of "Pyrenean" website (and programs available for dowonload there) is a really nice and friendly person!
Uhm, this time so many things happened related to this website that it's hard to mention all. Well maybe the most important one is that as a result of me changing the URL of the slovenian version of my main general website (namely from http://tadejpersic.awardspace.com to http://tadejpersic.50webs.org), I've decided to do a similar thing to Voljatel variant of this website as I did there, and so I deleted all the content from all the website's pages and did a redirect to pages on this website. All this for the duplicate content's sake, yeah. By the way, I described all this in the Spremenjen URL od SLO variante moje strani:
http://tadej.sopca.com/2008/02/08/spremenjen-url-od-slo-variante-moje-strani "blog-entry" on my slovenian Sopca blog. You can imagine that I hesistated quite a bit since I was still updating that variant too for so long after I stopped updating the various other variants (i.e. the ones that I call "futile") since this variant's host hosts all the needed external/support files (scripts, images etc.), and especially because I linked to specific pages on it on many forum, etc. to which Google links for quite some time now. But anyways, now this will make updating the website's documents much easier and especially quicker, therefore I might update it more often as I did through the last two or so years.
Secondly, I have also finally edited the content of the "keywords
" meta element so that now each page has its own unique set of keywords that relates only to it, and not as it was before when all the pages had the same set: "<meta name="keywords" content="amateur, application, article, automation, batch, client, code, commandline, computing, concept, configuration, design, desktop, detail, development, discovery, error, event, hardware, hint, hobby, homepage, homesite, installation, internet, management, minimalism, modification, network, obsession, operation, optimization, page, passion, performance, principle, privacy, procedure, process, program, project, proxy, rule, script, security, server, setup, shell, site, software, source, standard, system, task, tinker, tip, tweak, webpage, website" />" relating to them all together, to each having only four or five separate keywords/words, like for instance for this that you're reading right now: "<meta name="keywords" content="computing, events, homepage, news, tadej" />".
Or as I wrote under "01.02.2008" entry on http://tadejpersic.50webs.com/the-news.html page:
I didn't plan any changes for this update (at least worth mentioning), however I must tell you that on previous minor update a few days ago (I didn't mention it here on the news page though) I did one quite an important thing, i.e. I have finally edited the content of the "keywords
" meta element so that now each page has its own unique set of keywords that relates only to it, and not as it was before, when all the pages had the same set, namely this one: "blog, general, homepage, homesite, link, navigation, page, persic, personal, site, tadej, webpage, website" relating to them altogether. And this is now actually my first website that uses keywords in such a way.
I also posted a "blog-entry" on my Sopca blog titled Moji spletni mesti in keywords meta element:
http://tadej.sopca.com/2008/02/10/moji-spletni-mesti-in-keywords-meta-element regarding all this, while also check out the related thread that I titled A question related to meta keywords usage: http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=97679 "Digital Point" forum.
Hooray, this is my first "events-entry" in the year 2008. This time there was no "radical" changes on the website, except from adding a new entry (namely the "THE HARD-DISK'S WRITE-CACHING" one) to the "config.html" page and splitting it into two separate pages (I did the same for the "hints.html" page too), updating the Creative Commons License from version 2.5 to 3.0 Unported License, moved the "events10.html" and "events11.html" pages into a new directory on a server named "2007" and so forth. However as always, I surely fixed quite a few (not even so unimportant) mistakes in the website's source-code; well okay to name just a few: I many "meta" elemetnts, removed the redundant/doubled Creative Commons License's text (the commented-out one), fixed a few mistakes discovered by W3C Validators, fixed quite a few wrongly formatted links, and so on and on.
And by the way, I have already written two more entries/articles for the "articles2.html" page entitled "IS DEFRAGMENTING REALLY SO NECESSARY" and "DEFRAGGING/MOVING THE XP'S PAGEFILE", but today when I was updating the website I simply haven't got enought time to properly format them. Anyways, and that's all because (i.e. not updating this sites anymore so often) as already mentioned before, for the last year or so I am giving the preference to my main slovenian blog titled Tadej: spletne objave: http://tadej.sopca.com already mentioned on the "events9.html" page which now replaces my old blog on "VOLJAblok" portal, and to my new general personal navigational website Tadej Persic's website: http://tadejpersic.50webs.com (here is also a link to slovenian version of it Tadej Peršič stran: http://tadejpersic.awardspace.com) already mentioned on the "events11.html" page (that was just a note that I've created it) that basically just links to my other websites and blogs, and shortly describes them.